Life Coaching with Howard Rosenberg
Know that at your core, you have what it takes, that happiness and meaning are your birthright. Whether you are stuck in your job, your relationships, your finances, your negative emotions, or your life’s purpose, Howard will compassionately work with you so that you can go forth with joy, harmony, and purpose. He will help you become aware of the thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors that may be sabotaging your life. You will have choices that will radically improve your life’s trajectory.
When you focus on the lesson, you grow. When you focus on the pain, you suffer. It’s your choice.
Contact Howard for a free initial consultation at [email protected]

Howard Rosenberg is a Certified Kundalini Yoga teacher, life coach and gong master. He studied with Tej Khalsa and Harijiwan Khalsa. and is certified by the Kundalini Research Institute. In Kundalini Yoga, the yoga of awareness, Howard found a powerful technology to raise human consciousness. He receives great satisfaction from witnessing the transformation of students as they immerse themselves in this sacred practice. His classes are noted for the healing sound baths provided by the vibratory power of the gong. In his life coaching work, he helps people clear the cobwebs of their life so they can live the life they desire.